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Client Partnership Selling: A Partnership Approach to Healthcare
Client Partnership Selling: A Partnership Approach to Healthcare


Key Takeaways:

  • What does a client partnership look like in healthcare?
  • How to discover if the partnership is a good fit for a medical practice.
  • Discover why the partnership approach to healthcare goes beyond the sale and the key to a good client relationship.

A partnership approach is the new way forward; every client’s needs are completely different, and the ability to evaluate the client’s technical needs is key when onboarding a new client.

What does a partnership approach look like?

Just as no two patients are the same, each client has unique requirements. Every healthcare practice has its own systems and philosophy on setting healthcare standards for their unique patient population. That’s why a customized, collaborative approach is critical during every new client evaluation and onboarding. Every client will have varying levels of staffing, cloud PACS experience, IT skills, hardware and system requirements. When a potential client reaches out for information about a new platform or service, it is essential to evaluate their specific technical and support requirements. After implementation, clients should feel confident about utilizing their new service and know they have immediate support whenever they need it. Having a vendor with a responsive, ongoing support structure will also ensure the client always has an optimized product and service that is tailored to their evolving requirements.

Choosing a cloud-PACS Solutions Partner

A traditional sales approach usually starts with the vendor outlining their product features and benefits, along with a pricing overview. A partnership approach starts with an initial client deep-dive evaluation, incorporating detailed questions about their current systems, internal/external workflows, staffing knowledge, computer literacy level, IT and hardware systems. Additional insights include:

  • What are the components critical to their business success?
  • What is currently working well within the workflow?
  • Where are the bottlenecks and frustrations in the workflow?
  • What features are high priority in a PACS system?

More importantly, the conversation should focus on the client’s mid-term growth plans and targets, detailing how new products and services can support the business as it grows.


Post-sale Partnerships that Last

The client partnership should never end with the sale. True collaborative partnerships and loyalty are built on mutual communication and trust. This means vendors should listen to every instance of feedback and constantly develop solutions that fit the practice needs at every stage.

At UltraLinQ, we embrace a multi-discipline approach. We work with every prospective client to understand their needs, have a frank conversation about what the cloud-PACS platform can and cannot provide, and collaborate across multiple service departments to develop long-term partnerships with our clients. Every client is assigned a dedicated Client Success Representative to help navigate the products, connect with different departments when required and ensure they have an excellent experience.

See UltraLinQ’s partnership approach to healthcare for yourself and collaborate with us on enhancing your PACS workflow.

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